Wendy Galloway
Wendy trained as a sculptor almost thirty years ago. Living and working on the Yorkshire coast she specialises in making quirky material sculptures. She brings these to life by her chaotic stitching and construction, through these sculptures she gives the viewer the ideas inside her head.
Wendy’s recent works focus on the human head, a step away from her purely animal based sculptures, yet she’s unable to put the animals completely to one side and often combines the two subjects to create new creatures.
Wendy’s influences come from history, myth, legend, tribal art work, cartoon, graffiti, and growing up in the seventies.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
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Son, of Father and Son

Father of Father and Son
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Mantel Dog

BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford
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French Hen

Bird No2