Varie Freyne
Varie Freyne is a ceramacist based in the North East. Varie started pottery as a hobby 40 years ago beginning with hand-building and later developing skills on the wheel. Varie's early works used red earthenware clay where she developed designs using majolica glaze and oxides.
Since taking early retirement and moving to the North East she has bought a kiln and now work in stoneware and white earthenware clays and mainly hand build using slabs, coils and moulds. She loves constructing forms/shapes with clay in various states, either soft coils or leather hard sections.
Her work relies on decorating techniques, with an interest in printing and textile design and use this as an inspiration for decorating my ceramics. Varie uses coloured slips on stoneware and white earthenware clay to create fluid marks in a scragfitto technique inspired by textiles and photos taken on her travels.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
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BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford
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