Susi Bellamy
Susi Bellamy has an MA in fine art from Northumbria University which culminated in a degree show at Baltic 39 in 2013. She now works from Cobalt Studios in the Ouseburn, Newcastle. Further highlighting her passion for colour, Susi is the chairman of the Colour Collective UK. Colour Collective UK is a very young initiative, established in January 2018 in Newcastle as an independent, non-profit organisation to form an exciting, forward-thinking group interested in the dissemination of all aspects of colour.
Susi is interested in the interface between colour, fashion and art. Often working within the limited colour palette for the fashion season, Susi adds a contemporary aesthetic to her work inspired by colour trends.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
More info here