16 Stoddart Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


Daily 10am - 5pm

View and buy original paintings by Dutch landscape artist Rob Van Hoek at The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Rob Van Hoek

Born in 1957 Rob van Hoek is a professional Dutch artist who has exhibited in numerous exhibitions in the Netherlands, UK, Denmark and France. Rob is inspired by landscape, especially cultivated landscapes. 

And the Sun Fills the Sky by Ron van Hoek, a stylised landscape painting in soff pink and brown hues. | Original art for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

And the Sun fills the Sky


We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.

More info here
There ain't a Cloud in Sight

There ain't a Cloud in Sight

Somewhere by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Passing Birds


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Above the Treeline and Clouds by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Paintings for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Above the Treeline and Clouds

I want to walk in the open wind by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

I Want to Walk in the Open Wind


BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford

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The Grasses that Blew in the Warm Summer by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Like the Grasses that Blew in the Warm Summer

Letting Go of Daylight by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Letting Go of Daylight

I travelled so far just to be here today by Rov van Hoek | Contemporary Landscape painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

I Travelled So Far Just to be Here Today

Through Harvested Fields by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Through Harvested Fields

A Picture of Distance by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary landscape painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

A Picture of Distance

As the June Light Turns to Moonlight by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Landscape painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

As the June Light turns to Moonlight II

As the White Cloud by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Landscape painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

As the White Clouds Sail On

Blue Moon by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Blue Moon

Somewhere in Summertime by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary landscape painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Somewhere in Summertime

The World Outside by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

The World Outside

Where the Days are Longer by Rob van Hoek | Contemporary Painting for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Where the Days are Longer

Isn't it a Lovely Day by Rob van Hoek, an original landscape painting in pink tones. | Contemporary art for sale at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Isn't it a Lovely Day

View and buy original artwork online at The Biscuit Factory. 'That Soft Pink', an original painting by Dutch artist Rob Van Hoek at The Biscuit Factory. Image shows a section of an oil painting of an abstract golden landscape in the counrtyside with patterned fields and white birds central in the bottom segment

That Soft Pink

Buy 'Everyday is a winding road', an original painting by Dutch artist Rob Van Hoek at The Biscuit Factory.

Every Day is a Winding Road

Buy 'Caught in the sudden shower', an original painting by Dutch artist Rob Van Hoek at The Biscuit Factory.Sold

Caught in the Sudden Shower
