Michael Disley
Michael Disley is a stone and granite sculptor based in the U.K. Trained as both artist and stonemason he has over a hundred works sited in the U.K, Europe and Japan as well as many pieces in public and private collections. His work is beautifully crafted and aims to lift the spirits of the viewer. Influenced by trips to Zimbabwe in the early 1990s to work with the Shona sculptors and travels to Japan, his work is both calm and happy. Over the last two years, journeys to source granite in China and hard sandstones in Rajasthan have moved his work in new directions, and the use of these materials has become a central part of his practice.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
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Espalier Tree

Tall Pear Tree
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Home Birds

Orange Espalier Tree
BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford
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Marsh Birds

Orange Bird