Laura Cruikshank
Laura Cruikshank’s work is process driven where the rhythms of observing, drawing, gathering, and making overlap. This slowly translates into an ever-growing library of abstracted forms, textures, and the study of subtle movement. Direct connection to materials through a love of traditional techniques such as; lost wax casting, filigree and chain making, combine to inform an in-depth exploration of miniature details.
Each work is constructed with meticulous care and patience and embodies the time and enjoyment imbued by the making process. Laura’s collection aims to inspire curiosity in others for the act of paying attention to the rich, tactile and ever-changing natural environment around us.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
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Hollow Buds Gold
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Hollow Buds Studs
BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford
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