Juliette Scott
“Photography is my chosen medium in which to convey what I am seeing and what I am feeling about anything from a single flower that has caught my eye to a whole location. I have always enjoyed visiting galleries, museums and historic buildings. But it is gardens and nature that have become my greatest passion and source of inspiration. I am lucky to have my own garden where I grow many varieties of flowers. I work from a lovely light filled studio within our home where I can appreciate the views. I find the shift in seasons to be forever exciting.
Please note all framed works available as part of Juliette's collection are also available as unframed editions too.

We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.
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Ageing Gracefully
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Heaven's Scent
BLOG: In the Studio / Rosa Luetchford
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