16 Stoddart Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


Daily 10am - 5pm

View and buy original sculpture by Alistair Brooks at The Biscuit Factory, a Newcastle art gallery. Image shows a sculpted miner in charcoals, greys and whites with a large coat and miner's lamplight helmet.

Alistair Brookes

Born in a mining village Alistair Brookes's work is inspired by memories of his early life. Life and traditions found in mining communities provide his inspiration. Living in the Yorkshire Dales Alistair says that he finds the rural life full of characters.

Raku pottery is Alistair’s chosen media as he likes the spontaneity and surprise in its results. His designs are created with a firing process that uses both fire and smoke to create unique patterns and designs. 

Large Standing Fisherman by Alistair Brooks | Contemporary Sculpture for sale by Alistair Brooks at The Biscuit Factory Newcastle

Large Standing Fisherman


We have a range of work available from this artist, please contact the gallery for details 0191 261 1103.

More info here
Buy 'Summints Up', a ceramic sculpture of miners by Yorkshire artist Alistair Brookes. Image shows a stylised grey sculpture of two miners wearing headlamps, large coast and boots sat on a long log both looking to the right. The sculpture is sat on a white plinth against a white wall.Sold

Summints Up
